“When Crisis Hits the Family”

Check out this epidsode of the Chris Yonker’s Podcast:The Secret Thoughts of CEO’s “When Crisis Hits the Family.” featuring Jane Mintz.

Listen Here on Itunes or Here on Spotify

What You’ll Learn

●      What holds us back from reaching out?

●      How to deal with the sense of shame.

●      Defining and handling narcissism.

●      The importance of asking for help.


·       [04:45] Why Jane got into this space.

·       [10:05] How to know what you’re looking at.

·       [14:51] What holds us back from reaching out?

·       [22:36] The sense of shame.

·       [32:12] Defining narcissism.

·       [38:05] When is Cannabis over the line?

·       [43:03] The importance of asking for help.


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