How a Clinical Strategist Can Help Your Clients Meet Their Goals
Jane Jane

How a Clinical Strategist Can Help Your Clients Meet Their Goals

It often surprises people that my greatest referral sources are family business consulting firms, financial planners, and wealth managers. However, it probably won’t surprise individuals in these industries, as they often find themselves in the grey area between providing a service and dealing with very real, very emotional human problems. After all, a good consultant/financial planner/wealth manager deals in lives and legacies as much as they deal with crunching numbers and looking at the bottom line. In my latest blog, I discuss just how valuable a Clinical Strategist can be in helping your clients meet their goals.

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Taking the Stress Out of Your Holiday
Jane Jane

Taking the Stress Out of Your Holiday

Holidays can be stressful for every family. However, for people coping with mental health or addiction the holidays can lead to crisis. Jane Mintz delves into the questions, “How can we tell when normative family stressors cross the line into a situation where intervention is needed?”

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